Believe in World Cup success!
Believe in World Cup success!
"Adding value through professional services and expert training"
"Adding value through professional services and  expert training"

Our Story

Relationship/Common Goals/Shared Values


It started out as coffee talk, it really did...a group of professionals discussing the internal audit profession and how to improve it. Discussion included the nuances of corporate America, of non-profit organizations, and of government entities. A theme of un-met organizational potential emerged. The idea of un-met potential centered on the dilemma that leaders in organizations know that improvement is needed, but they do not have the time or resources to devote to positive change. 


If this sounds familiar, then Operational and Audit Solutions, LLC was created to partner with you, to be your resource, to allow you to improve the mission-critical areas of your organization. We have a lot to offer our partners, please continue reading "our story."


We also reasoned that the potential for organizational success and improvement is tremendous.


Regardless the organization type, the potential to improve and succeed exists all around us we surmised. We had each worked for many organizations over our cumulative careers spanning more than sixty years, where the only limitation to organizational improvement and success was knowledge and resources. 


We decided to form Operational and Audit Solutions, LLC to provide affordable, high-impact solutions to organizations that share our passion for improvement. Improvement can take on many forms, but it is our experience that improvement must be in areas that are key to how you define success for your organization. It is not complicated, but it is not, however...simple. Improvement comes in degrees, it can involve thinking about something in a different way, it can involve doing something differently than it has been done in the past, so it may involve a change in, a) staff skills, b) technology, c) policies and procedures, or d) the way your product or information is processed.


Organizational improvement is not simple, but it doesn't have to be hard.


Our story is that we've been there, done that, we have learned from our experiences, and we have a lot to offer. What sets our consultancy apart from the others is that we enter into relationship with our client-partners, we share your goals and values...and you share ours. 

Our Values and the Sectors We Serve

Operational & Audit Solutions, LLC was founded by William Brown as a response to the unique needs of the each of the sectors we service, a) Non-profit, b) Government, and c) Manufacturing. We have since grown to include a full staff of Associates with a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences.

Operational & Audit Solutions, LLC follows four main values, which are the foundation and keys to our success:


  1. Independence
  2. Objectivity
  3. Competence
  4. Integrity


Find out how these core values can assist you achieve operational and internal audit excellence. We are a full-service consulting group, offering operational and internal audit services and a variety of practical, impactful training courses. Browse through our website to see an overview of these offerings.Contact us to discuss areas of concern, then see how driven we are to see our client-partners achieve lasting success for their organizations!


Contact Us Today!


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Call +1 561.706.3575 


Click: to our contact form.

News & Events

New Associate Joins Operational & Audit Solutions, LLC

We are excited to announce a new Associate: Aaron Muckley, CPA


Mr. Aaron Muckley brings thirty years of public accounting and financial project management experience. His extensive Accounting expertise makes him an excellent addition to our team.


Operational & Audit Solutions, LLC welcomes this fine addition to our team.

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